Input Log

Input by t t (MPE) on Mon Apr 15 12:01:49 2002 :
Dogiel V.A. et al. : Nonthermal hard X-ray emission from the Galactic Ridge. Astron. Astrophys. 382, 730-745 (2002).
Input by t t (MPE) on Mon Apr 15 12:09:04 2002 :
Rank G. et al. : Extended gamma-ray emission of the solar flares in june 1991. Astron. Astrophys. 378, 1046-1066 (2001).
Input by t t (MPE) on Mon Apr 15 12:11:08 2002 :
Halpern J.P. et al. : he New Gamma-ray Pulsar PSR J2229+6114, its Pulsar Wind Nebula, and Comparison with the Vela Pulsar. Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001 , 242 (2001).
Input by t t (MPE) on Mon Apr 15 12:12:29 2002 :
Iwabuchi K. et al. : Contribution of Supernova Gamma-Rays to the Gamma-Ray Background Emission. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 53, 4 , 669-673 (2002).
Input by t t (MPE) on Mon Apr 15 12:13:44 2002 :
Baring M.G. : Polar Cap Pulsar Models. The Nature of Unidentified Galactic High-Energy Gamma-Ray Sources. Proceedings of the Workshop held at Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, 9-11 October 2000. Edited by Alberto Carramiñana, Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica, Tonantzintla, México; Olaf Reimer, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland, USA; and David J. Thompson, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland, USA. Astrophysics and Space Science Library 267, 167-186 ().
Input by t t (MPE) on Mon Apr 15 12:15:20 2002 :
Hanlon L. et al. : Broadband Spectral Deconvolution of GRBs. Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era, Proceedings of the International workshop held in Rome, CNR headquarters, 17-20 October, 2000. Edited by Enrico Costa, Filippo Frontera, and Jens Hjorth. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, , 63 (2002).
Input by t t (MPE) on Mon Apr 15 12:16:40 2002 :
Sánchez F. et al. : LEGRI Background. Short Term Variability. strophysics and Space Science 276, 1 , 255-262 (2001).
Input by Helmut Steinle (MPE) on Fri Jul 12 15:11:26 2002 :
McConnell M.L. et al. : The Soft Gamma-Ray Spectral Variability of Cygnus X-1. Ap. J. 572, 984-995 (2002).
Input by d r (MPE) on Fri Jul 18 14:14:47 2003 :
Ryan J.M. : Gamma-Ray Spectral Evolution in the Solar Flare of 11 June 1991. American Astronomical Society , ().
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Jul 21 15:06:19 2003 :
Ryan, J. M. : Gamma-Ray Spectral Evolution in the Solar Flare of 11 June 1991. American Astronomical Society, SPD meeting #34, #15.09 , (05/2003).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Jul 21 15:15:48 2003 :
Young C. A et al. : COMPTEL Gamma-Ray Observations of the C4 Solar Flare on 20 January 2000. American Astronomical Society, SPD meeting #34, #16.02 , (05/2003).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Jul 21 15:24:55 2003 :
Ling J. C. et al. : Gamma-ray Spectra & Variability of Crab Nebula Emission Observed by BATSE. American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #35, #10.07 , (03/2003).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Jul 21 15:06:19 2003 :
Ryan, J. M. : Gamma-Ray Spectral Evolution in the Solar Flare of 11 June 1991. American Astronomical Society, SPD meeting #34, #15.09 , (05/2003).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 22 12:15:21 2003 :
Kanbach G. et al. : Concept study for the next generation medium-energy gamma-ray astronomy mission: MEGA. Proceedings of the SPIE 4851, 1209-1220 (2003).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 22 12:30:01 2003 :
Ling J. C. et al. : BATSE Soft Gamma-Ray Observations of GRO J0422+32. Ap. J. 584, 1 , 399--413 (2003).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 22 12:30:01 2003 :
Ling J. C. et al. : BATSE Soft Gamma-Ray Observations of GRO J0422+32. Ap. J. 584, 1 , 399-413 (2003).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 22 12:37:08 2003 :
Rothschild R. E. et al. : Limits to the Cassiopeia A 44Ti Line Flux and Constraints on the Ejecta Energy and the Compact Source. Ap. J. 582, 1 , 257-261 (2003).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 22 13:18:10 2003 :
Whiting M. T. et al. : The Optical Emission from Gamma-Ray Quasars. Astronomical Society of Australia 20, 2 , 196-202 (2003).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 22 13:26:15 2003 :
Zhang S. et al. : An unidentified variable gamma-ray source near the galactic plane detected by COMPTEL. Astron. Astrophys. 396, 923-928 (12/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 22 13:32:50 2003 :
Connors A. et al. : A Multiscale Method (``Sparse Bayes Blocks'') for Revealing Sharply-Peaked High Energy Pulsars. American Astronomical Society Meeting 201, #118.10 , (12/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 22 13:42:42 2003 :
Georgii R. et al. : COMPTEL upper limits for the 56Co gamma -ray emission from SN1998bu. Astron. Astrophys. 394, 517-523 (11/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 22 13:56:22 2003 :
Harding A. K. et al. : The Multicomponent Nature of the Vela Pulsar Nonthermal X-Ray Spectrum. Ap. J. 576, 1 , 376-380 (09/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 22 14:02:06 2003 :
Plüschke S. et al. : Understanding 26Al Emission from Cygnus. New Astronomy Reviews 46, 8-10 , 535-539 (07/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 22 14:07:11 2003 :
Diehl R. : 26Al production in the Vela and Orion regions. New Astronomy Reviews 46, 8-10 , 547-552 (07/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 14:04:06 2003 :
Montmerle T. : Irradiation phenomena in young solar-type stars and the early solar system: X-ray observations and ã-ray constraints. New Astronomy Reviews 46, 8-10 , 573-583. (07/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 14:04:06 2003 :
Montmerle T. : Irradiation phenomena in young solar-type stars and the early solar system: X-ray observations and ã-ray constraints. New Astronomy Reviews 46, 8-10 , 573-583. (07/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 14:11:13 2003 :
Drimmel R. : Galactic structure and radioactivity source distributions. New Astronomy Reviews 46,, 8-10 , 585-588 (07/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 14:11:13 2003 :
Drimmel R. : Galactic structure and radioactivity source distributions. New Astronomy Reviews 46,, 8-10 , 585-588 (07/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 14:20:26 2003 :
Bloser P.F. et al. : The MEGA advanced Compton telescope project. New Astronomy Reviews 46, 8-10 , 611-616 (07/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 14:25:30 2003 :
Zhang S. et al. : COMPTEL observations of the gamma-ray blazar PKS 1622-297. Astron. Astrophys. 386, 843-853 (05/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 14:32:28 2003 :
Connors A. et al. : Sparse Bayes Blocks: A New Method for Catching Sharply-Peaked High Energy Pulsars. American Physical Society,Mexico Meeting ID: APR02, abstract #B17.074 , (04/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 14:38:03 2003 :
Stacy J. G. et al. : Gamma Rays from the Blazar PKS 0208-512. American Physical Society , (04/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 14:57:55 2003 :
Ling J.C. et al. : BATSE Soft Gamma-Ray Observations of GROJ0422+32. American Physical Society , (04/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 15:00:40 2003 :
Boggs S. et al. : Developments for the Protptype Balloon Flight of the Nuclear Compton Telescope. American Physical Society , (04/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 15:19:57 2003 :
Iyudin A.F. : Global galactic distribution of 22Na. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. , 633. (01/2002). 633. - (01/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 15:19:57 2003 :
Iyudin A.F. : Global galactic distribution of 22Na. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. , 633. (01/2002). 633. - (01/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 15:19:57 2003 :
Iyudin A.F. : Global galactic distribution of 22Na. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. , 633. (01/2002). 633. - (01/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 15:19:57 2003 :
Iyudin A.F. : Global galactic distribution of 22Na. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. , 633. (01/2002). 633. - (01/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 15:26:48 2003 :
Iyudin A.F. et al. : Detection of the ã-ray emission from the X-Ray nova GRO J0422+32. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. , 637 (01/2002). 637- (01/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 15:26:48 2003 :
Iyudin A.F. et al. : Detection of the ã-ray emission from the X-Ray nova GRO J0422+32. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. , 637 (01/2002). 637- (01/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 15:32:59 2003 :
Iyudin A.F. et al. : Detection of the ã-ray emission from the X-Ray nova GRO J0422+32. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. , 637 (01/2002). 637- (01/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Tue Jul 29 15:32:59 2003 :
Iyudin A.F. et al. : Detection of the ã-ray emission from the X-Ray nova GRO J0422+32. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. , 637 (01/2002). 637- (01/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 14:14:06 2003 :
Fiocchi M. et al. : The Hard X-ray Spectrum of the Radio-Galaxy Centaurus A. Blazar Astrophysics with BeppoSAX and Other Observatories, ESA-ESRIN ESA-ESRIN, 55. (200200/2002). 55.- (200200/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 14:23:44 2003 :
Kozameh C. N. : The ARGO Project. 11th UN/ESA Workshop on Basic Space Sciences, held in Cordoba, Argentina, 9-13 September, 2002. , (00/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 14:27:13 2003 :
Collmar W. : AGN at MeV Gamma-Ray Energies. Lighthouses of the Universe: The Most Luminous Celestial Objects and Their Use for Cosmology Proceedings of the MPA/ESO , 280 (00/2002). 280- (00/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 14:30:42 2003 :
Zhang Shu et al. : High Energy Properties of the ã-Ray Blazars PKS 1622-297, 3C 454.3 and CTA 102. Lighthouses of the Universe: The Most Luminous Celestial Objects and Their Use for Cosmology Proceedings of the MPA/ESO/ , 301 (00/2002). 301- (00/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 14:35:38 2003 :
Knödlseder J. et al. : Science prospects for SPI. Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ESA, ISBN 92-9092-677-5, , 23 -35 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 14:46:01 2003 :
Iyudin A. F. et al. : Study of the nova-produced 22Na with COMPTEL. Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ESA, ISBN 92-9092-677-5 , 41 -46 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 14:51:59 2003 :
Mowlavi, Nami : Aluminum 26 production by AGB stars. In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-677-5 , 51 - 54 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 15:03:17 2003 :
Plüschke S. et al. : The COMPTEL 1.809 MeV survey. In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-677-5 , 55 -58 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 15:09:19 2003 :
Georgii R. et al. : Prospects of the observations with SPI in the light of the 44Ti ã-rays. In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-677-5 , 59 -63 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 15:14:14 2003 :
Lavraud B. et al. : Nucleosynthesis in the Vela region. In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-677-5 , 79 -82 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 15:23:14 2003 :
Plüschke S. et al. : 56Co ã-rays from SN1998bu: COMPTEL upper limits. In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-677-5 , 87 -90 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 15:28:35 2003 :
Plüschke S. et al. : The Cygnus region: 26Al from OB associations. In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-677-5 , 91 -95 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 15:55:09 2003 :
Sturner S.J. : A model for the distribution of the Galactic 1809 keV emission. In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-677-5 , 101 -104 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 15:58:41 2003 :
Abraham Z. et al. : Electron-positron annihilation radiation from 3C 273. In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-677-5 , 131 -134 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 16:11:20 2003 :
Williams O. R. et al. : COMPTEL observations of PKS 0208-512 from 1991 to 1998. In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-677-5 , 357 -360 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 4 16:30:06 2003 :
Zhang S. et al. : COMPTEL observations of the blazar PKS 1622-297 during a gamma-ray high state in 1995. In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-677-5 , 361 -364 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 11 11:51:22 2003 :
Halpern J. P. et al. : The New Gamma-ray Pulsar PSR J2229+6114, its Pulsar Wind Nebula, and Comparison with the Vela Pulsar. Two Years of Science with Chandra, Abstracts from the Symposium held in Washington, DC, 5-7 September, 2001. , (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 11 11:57:49 2003 :
Iwabuchi Kousei et al. : Contribution of Supernova Gamma-Rays to the Gamma-Ray Background Emission. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 53, 4 , 669-673 (08/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 11 12:06:01 2003 :
Young C. A. : Solar flare gamma-ray spectroscopy with CGRO-COMPTEL. Thesis (PhD). UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, Source DAI-B 62/02, p. 900, Aug 2001, 128 pages. , (08/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 11 12:06:01 2003 :
Young C. A. : Solar flare gamma-ray spectroscopy with CGRO-COMPTEL. Thesis (PhD). UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, Source DAI-B 62/02, p. 900, , 01-128 (08/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 11 12:11:09 2003 :
Toner M. P. et al. : Improved Analysis of COMPTEL Solar Neutron Data, with Application to the 15 June 1991 Flare. Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 203 ISBN: 1-58381-069-2, 573 (00/2001). 573- (00/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 11 14:16:00 2003 :
Strong A. W. et al. : COMPTEL Observations of a Source in the Direction of the Galactic Centre. Gamma 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics, held 4-6 April, 2001 in Baltimore , (00/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 11 14:21:29 2003 :
Collmar W. et al. : COMPTEL Observations of the Virgo Blazars 3C 273 and 3C 279. Gamma 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics, held 4-6 April, 2001 in Baltimore , (00/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 11 14:26:12 2003 :
Iyudin A. F. et al. : Study of the Galactic Distribution of Nova-Produced 22Na with COMPTEL. Gamma 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics, held 4-6 April, 2001 in Baltimore , (00/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 11 14:31:02 2003 :
Hanlon L. et al. : Broadband Spectral Deconvolution of GRBs. Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era, Proceedings of the International workshop held in Rome, CNR headquarters, 17-20 October, 2000. , 63 (00/2001). 63- (00/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 11 14:42:11 2003 :
Baring M.G. : Polar Cap Pulsar Models. The Nature of Unidentified Galactic High-Energy Gamma-Ray Sources. Proceedings of the Workshop held at Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, 9-11 October 2000. , (00/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Wed Aug 20 15:10:15 2003 :
Young C. A. et al. : COMPTEL Gamma-Ray Observations of the C4 Solar Flare on 20 January 2000. American Astronomical Society, SPD meeting #34, #16.02 Publication Date: 05/2003 , (05/2003 ).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Wed Aug 20 15:14:22 2003 :
Georgii R. et al. : COMPTEL upper limits for the 56Co gamma -ray emission from SN1998bu. Astron. Astrophys. 394, 517-523 (11/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Wed Aug 20 15:19:31 2003 :
Young, C. A. et al. : COMPTEL Gamma-Ray Observations of the C4 Solar Flare on 20 January 2000. American Astronomical Society, SPD meeting #34, #16.02 , (05/2003).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Wed Aug 20 15:22:02 2003 :
Zhang S. et al. : COMPTEL observations of the gamma-ray blazar PKS 1622-297. Astron. Astrophys. 386, , 843-853 (05/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Wed Aug 20 15:36:12 2003 :
Collmar W. : News from CGRO-COMPTEL. . Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 73, 99-106 (2002) , (00/2002).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Wed Aug 20 15:39:15 2003 :
Iyudin A. F. et al. : Study of the nova-produced 22Na with COMPTEL . In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ISBN 92-9092-677-5, 41 -46 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Wed Aug 20 15:45:20 2003 :
Plüschke S. et al. : The COMPTEL 1.809 MeV survey . In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ISBN 92-9092-677-5, , 55-58 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Wed Aug 20 15:45:20 2003 :
Plüschke S. et al. : The COMPTEL 1.809 MeV survey . In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ISBN 92-9092-677-5, , 55-58 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Thu Aug 21 13:44:38 2003 :
Plüschke S. et al. : 56Co ã-rays from SN1998bu: COMPTEL upper limits. In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ISBN 92-9092-677-5, , 87-90 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Thu Aug 21 14:10:34 2003 :
Williams O. et al. : COMPTEL observations of PKS 0208-512 from 1991 to 1998 . In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ISBN 92-9092-677-5, 357 -360 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Thu Aug 21 15:57:13 2003 :
Zhang S. et al. : COMPTEL observations of the blazar PKS 1622-297 during a gamma-ray high state in 1995 . In: Exploring the gamma-ray universe. Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL Workshop, 4-8 September 2000, Alicante, Spain. ISBN 92-9092-677-5, , 361-364 (09/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Thu Aug 21 16:05:25 2003 :
Young ,C. A. : Solar flare gamma-ray spectroscopy with CGRO-COMPTEL . Thesis (PhD). UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, Source DAI-B 62/02, p. 900, Aug 2001, 128 pages , (08/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Thu Aug 21 16:08:51 2003 :
Toner M. P. et al. : Improved Analysis of COMPTEL Solar Neutron Data, with Application to the 15 June 1991 Flare . Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 203 ISBN: 1-58381-069-2, 2001, p. , 573 (00/2001). 573- (00/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 25 10:53:58 2003 :
Strong A. W. et al. : COMPTEL Observations of a Source in the Direction of the Galactic Centre . Gamma 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics, held 4-6 April, 2001 in Baltimore, MD. AIP Conference Proceedings. 587, 21 (00/2001). 21- (00/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 25 11:01:05 2003 :
Collmar W. et al. : COMPTEL Observations of the Virgo Blazars 3C 273 and 3C 279 . Gamma 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics, held 4-6 April, 2001 in Baltimore, MD. AIP Conference Proceedings. 587, 271 (00/2001). 271- (00/2001).
Input by Doina Rehm (MPE) on Mon Aug 25 11:22:24 2003 :
Iyudin A. F. et al. : Study of the Galactic Distribution of Nova-Produced 22Na with COMPTEL . Gamma 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics, held 4-6 April, 2001 in Baltimore, MD. AIP Conference Proceedings. 587, 508 (00/2001). 508- (00/2001).
Input by h s (MPE) on Tue Nov 4 15:43:35 2003 :
: Astrophysics, abstract astro-ph/0304405 From: Matthew Whiting Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 02:39:52 GMT (32kb) The Optical Emission from Gamma-ray Quasars Authors: Matthew Whiting (1), Petra Majewski (2), Rachel Webster (2) ((1) University of New South Wales, (2) University of Melbourne) Comments: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in P.A.S.A We present photometric observations of six radio-loud quasars that were detected by the COMPTEL gamma-ray telescope. The data encompasses seven wavebands in the optical and near-infrared. After correction for Galactic extinction, we find a wide range in optical slopes. Two sources are as blue as optically-selected quasars, and are likely to be dominated by the accretion disc emission, while three others show colours consistent with a red synchrotron component. We discuss the properties of the COMPTEL sample of quasars, as well as the implications our observations have for multi-wavelength modelling of gamma-ray quasars. . , ().