Nevada: Pacific Daylight saving Time (PDT) = UT - 7h;
(daylight saving time in effect from mid March to begin of November) |T10|
For dates and alike, especially in tables, I use the format: yyyy-mm-dd-hh:mm (24-hour clock for UT or 12-hour clock
for PDT);
within text the date is written: month day , year.
Due to the
equation of time, local noon is different
in March and September (|T07|):
Local noon (Sun due south from Atlatl Rock) in March/April:
March 20: 12:46 am PDT
March 30: 12:43 am PDT
April 10: 12:39 am PDT
Local noon (Sun due south from Atlatl Rock) in September:
September 1: 12:38 am PDT
September 10: 12:35 am PDT
September 20: 12:32 am PDT
time to/from astronomical equinox:
E ± fraction of days
(e.g. E - 1.44 is 1 day and 10 hours and 34 minutes before equinox)
Correction of the Clock Drift of the Camera
The time of my camera always had been set to UT.
Like almost each clock, this
clock has a drift
that has to be taken into accout if it is ≥ 1 minute to calculate the proper coordinates of the Sun (Az, El). If times quoted have been corrected, they are marked with "tc".
Horizontal Coordinate System
For the position of the Sun the
horizontal coordinate system
is used where:
- the azimuth (Az) of the Sun is the angle in degrees from North; measured N -> E -> S -> W
- the elevation (El) is the height of the Sun in degrees above the horizon
Picture Points
All the pictures taken to document the movement of the shadow line across the petroglyps at Atlatl Rock in
2015, 2017, and 2018 were always made from the same location on the stairs to the platform,
the standard picture point for the markers.
The point on the stairs from where the pictures were taken was choosen in such a way that
the cross was directly visible above one of the struts of the platform to check the proper position.
The pictures taken to document the sunrise location on the eastern horizon were always made from the same point
on the platform,
the sunrise picture point. This point is directly
at the strut that marks the proper alignment of the view to the markers.
Equinoxes and Solar Quarter Days
astronomical equinox is defined as the moment
when the plane of the Earth's equator, which is tilted with respect to the orbital plane of the Earth around the Sun
(the ecliptic) passes through the center of the Sun. This happens twice a year: in spring around March 20
(vernal equinox) when the Sun apparently crosses the plane of the earth equator from south to north, and in fall
around September 22 (autumnal equinox) when the Sun apparently crosses the plane of the earth equator from north to
The astronomical equinoxes are not directly observable by the naked eye nor could the equal lenght of day
and night (= equinox) be determined with sufficient accuracy by the sunwatchers of ancient times.
However, the astronomical equinoxes are close to the middle (in days) between the summer and winter solstices. (The
solstices, different to the equinoxes, could be determined with an accuracy of about one day by ancient sunwatchers
and were determined and observed in almost all cultures.) The middle between the solstices can be determined by
counting the days from a solstice. These "middle" days are sometimes called quarter days as together with the
solstices they divide a year into four quarters of equal length.
I prefer to call them solar quarter days as not to confuse them with the quarter days
used in England and Ireland which have a different definition.
Due to the variable speed of the Earth in its elliptical orbit around the Sun, which is a little bit faster in
winter, the astronomical equinoxes are off by about two days from the solar quarter days. The solar quarter
day in spring is two days after the astronomical vernal equinox, the solar quarter day in fall is two days before
the astronomical autumnal equinox.
Throughout this web pages I use the term "equinox" for a time span of a couple of days around the astronomical
equinox including the solar quarter days.
The Markers
At the Atlatl Rock site there are three outstanding petroglyphs which are proposed to indicate the time around
the equinoxes by showing some "interaction" with a shadow edge in the hours before and around local noon. They
belong to a group of petroglyps which, among other pictures, show an atlatl, giving the rock its name.
The proposed "equinox" markers are four concentric circles (known to be a sun
marker), an outlined cross and a (left?) "foot".
As it finally turned out, this foot has the very important function to signal the "equinox" (or
solar quarter day) when the primary shadow touches its upper part the first time (in spring) or the last time
(in fall).
All petroglyps (exept the "foot") are to the left of an imaginary line tangent to the upper edge of the
concentric circles and the outlinded cross.
The alignment and the dimensions of the concentric circles and the embedded cross
are such that they are parallel to the shadow edge.
The shadow is tangent to the upper edges of the two markers at the same time. This is true also for the centers and
the lower edges of the markers.
Primary and Secondary Shadow Movement
The rock south of the Atlatl Rock wall that casts the shadow onto the wall where the petroglyps with the atlatl
are has an almost straight upper edge which casts a shadow with an straight upper edge onto the wall.
There are two reasons that cause the movement of this shadow edge across the Atlatl Rock wall
during the year and during a day:
the primary shadow movement between following days is caused by the change in elevation of the
On each day, between 9:30 am PDT and 10:50 am PDT, the fully developed shadow edge is very stable and only wiggles
a little bit.
the secondary shadow movement during one day is caused by a combination of the changing azimuth
and elevation of the Sun and
the effect of the change of the slope of the shadow casting rock which comes into effect after
~ 10:50 am PDT and before the rock is
in self shadow after ~ 12:15 pm PDT.
A complete movement of the shadow from sunrise until the rock is in self shadow is shown in a movie of the September 17, 2017 data. Primary Shadow Movement :
The decreasing elevation of the Sun after the summer solstice causes the upper shadow edge at Atlatl Rock
to move upward between each following day. In the first couple of weeks after solstice the change in elevation is
Around equinox however the change in shadow position has a maximum of about 0.36 deg each day and this causes the
upper shadow edge around the autumnal equinox to move upward significantly between following days.
This is best shown in a movie that shows the shadow position for each of the
nine days before astronomical autumnal equinox at the same time at ~ 10:45 am PDT. In the time span between 9:30 am
PDT and 10:50 am PDT each day the shadow edge is very straight and almost constant in position and thus 10:45 am PDT
is a good reference point in time for the description of the behaviour of the shadow edge before the downward
movement of the shadow starts. Secondary Shadow Movement:
(each day after 10:50 am PDT until the rock is in self shadow around 12:15 pm PDT)
After the shadow tip has moved beyond the markers at about 9:30 am PDT and before about 10:50 am PDT
the daily apparent movement of the rising Sun across the sky is almost
parallel to the edge on the rock that casts the shadow on the petroglyphs. During this time span the shadow edge
wiggles around and at the end of this time span it becomes an almost constant straight line.
Atlatl Rock from north-northeast
Atlatl Rock from south
shadow casting rock as seen
from the platform near the markers
After about 10:50 am PDT, during the movement of the Sun over the sky, the tilt of the rock edge that causes the
shadow changes and it becomes flatter by some degrees. As the Sun continues to rise towards the highest position
at local noon, the shadow edge, that is still straight and parallel to the centers of the markers, starts to move
downward until the wall is in self shadow ~ 12:15 pm PDT.
The observations from each of the nine days before astronomical autumnal equinox show that around 10:50 am PDT the
shadow edge starts to move down from beeing above the markers. This is shown here on the pictures taken on
13 September 2018:
One special feature of the wall with the petroglyps at Atlatl Rock is that once the azimuth of the Sun is larger
than ~ 174 degrees, which is at about 12:15 pm PDT in September or about 15 minutes before local noon, the wall
is in total shadow as the Sun is then "behind" the plane of the wall. This I call "self shadow" to distinguish it from the shadow cast by the rock south of the wall
that produces the shadow whose upper edge is the shadow line that at certain moments passes through the centers
of the markers. After local noon the whole area is in shadow cast by the "tower" and the whole Atlatl Rock massiv.
Observation made on September 12, 2008 at 11:30 am PDT.
Daylight saving time 2008 in Nevada started March 9 and ended November 2. |T13|
Astronomical autumnal equinox:
2008-09-22-15:44 UT = 2008-09-22-08:44 PDT (Nevada) |T12|
(Only two) pictures taken:
2008-09-12-11:30 am PDT (18:30 UT; view from parking lot),
Sun azimuth 151.83 deg (i.e. east of meridian) ,
Sun elevation 54.21 deg
2008-09-12-11:32 am PDT (18:32 UT; at the petroglyps); see right
Sun azimuth 152.63 deg (i.e. east of meridian) ,
Sun elevation 54.40 deg
distance from equinox:
9.84 days before astronomical autumnal equinox
8 days before autumnal solar quarter day
With the knowledge after the 2018 observations it is clear that the pictures were taken few minutes after the
shadow line crossed the centers of the markers on its way downward to beyond the markers during the
secondary shadow movement. This is about 45 minutes before the wall with the
petroglyps is in total shadow (c.f. the almost identical shadow position on September 13, 2018 at
11:31 am PDT).
The picture shown below was the last one taken with a well defined shadow edge before the whole rock was in
self shadow (which was 6 minutes later at about 12:12 pm PDT). The movie
combines all pictures of the markers
made on that day.
Picture: 2010-09-21-12:06 pm PDT; JD 2455461.29583
time to/from eqinox: E - 1d.35 ;
Sun: azimuth 169.33 deg , elevation 53.64 deg
This is the only picture I have taken where the
kink and the shadow of the "tower" are clearly visible!
The pictures for this movie were taken from 09:29 am PDT (16:29 UT) till 12:11 pm PDT (19:11 UT);
note that this are close-ups of the region of the petroglyps around the markers and are not taken from a
"standard" position.
At the time of the visit I had assumed that the upper edge of the shadow would reach the center of the markers
at the day of the equinox. As it turned out later (2017 and 2018 visits; see below), the last time this
alignment occurs is already a couple of days before the date of the autumnal equinox. Later, like in
this observation one day before astronomical autumnal equinox, the shadow edge no longer reaches the centers
of the markers and is always above and the markers are always below the shadow line!.
For the 2011 (summer solstice) and 2015 (equinox, sunrise) observations no further detailed descriprion
and analysis is necessary here. They are described in sufficient detail on the
My Visits page under
2011 and
Analysis of the Combined 2017 and 2018 Observations Around Autumnal Equinox
The observations that contribute to the analysis described here were all made between September 13 and 21
(2018 and 2017).
Note: all descriptions that have not been "observed" but can be derived from the observations
are printed in italics.
Astronomical autumnal equinox was on
September 22, 2017 at 01:02 pm PDT and on
September 22, 2018 at 06:54 pm PDT.
Autumnal solar quarter day was on
September 20, 2017 (at 3:26 pm PDT) and on
September 20, 2018 (at 9:14 pm PDT).
Detailed Descripton of the Observations Made on the Nine Days Before Autumnal Equinox
By combining the 2018 and 2017 observations, the
time span nine days before the autumnal equinox up to one day before the autumnal equinox is covered.
On each of the nine days pictures have been taken every 15 minutes after 10:15 am PDT until the shadow edge was no
longer well defined as the wall started to be in self shadow around 12:15 pm PDT.
They have been combined into movies
- for each single day (SDxx; September 13 to 21)showing the
secondary shadow movement each day
and - for the same time (STxxxx; 10:15 am PDT in steps of 15 minutes
to 12:15 pm PDT) which show the primary shadow movement between
following days.
The numbers in the following matrix are picture (image) numbers (per year) and in parentheses the time (in minutes)
to be added to the time in the left column to calculate the time the picture was taken. Although I aimed to take the
pictures always at the same time intervall, sometimes I missed that by few minutes (larger deviations in red).
Time [PDT]
date (yyyy-mm-dd) time to equinox [days]
same time (ST)
2018-09-13 -9.29
2018-09-14 -8.29
2018-09-15 -7.29
2018-09-16 -6.29
2017-09-17 -5.04
2017-09-18 -4.04
2017-09-19 -3.04
2017-09-20 -2.04
2017-09-21 -1.04
on each day between 9:45 am and 10:45 am PDT the shadow edge
is rather stable
This is best shown "same time" (ST) movies in the table above in the right column that show the shadow position
for each of the nine days before astronomical autumnal equinox at the same time.
In the time span between 9:30 am PDT and 10:50 am PDT each day the shadow edge is very straight and almost constant
in position and thus is a good reference point in time for the description of the behaviour of the shadow edge before the downward
movement of the shadow starts.
From the observations in 2018 and 2017 it can be derived, that the movement of the shadow edge between
following days is about one eighth the diameter of the concentric circles marker (or about
one gap between the circles per day!).
From this observations it can be estimated that the date in fall when the shadow edge for the
first time reaches the circles and cross markers from below is about 18 days before astronomical autumnal eqinox
(~ September 4th ). Then, about 14 days before astronomical autumnal eqinox
(~ September 8th), the shadow edge connects the centers of the markers for the first time
since the spring eqinox. Finally, about 10 days before astronomical autumnal eqinox
(~ September 12th ) is about the date when the shadow reaches the upper edge of the two markers.
About seven days before astronomical autumnal eqinox (~ September 15th ), the shadow edge for the first
time touches the "foot" and moves over it the following five days until two days before astronomical autumnal eqinox.
This is the autumnal solar quarter day and from now on all petroglyphs at Atlatl Rock are in shadow
until vernal equinox.
The following pictures have been taken at about 10:45 am PDT on the days before autumnal equinox.
7.29 days
to autumnal equinox
6.29 days
to autumnal equinox
5.04 days
to autumnal equinox
4.04 days
to autumnal equinox
3.04 days
to autumnal equinox
2.04 days
to autumnal equinox
solar quarter day
Secondary Shadow Movement:
(after 10:50 am PDT each day)
This is best shown in the "same day" (SD) movies in the table above in the last two rows that show the shadow
position for each of the nine days before astronomical autumnal equinox between 9:45 am PDT and 12:15 pm PDT.
At this time during the movement of the Sun over the sky the tilt of the rock edge that causes the shadow changes
and becomes flatter by some degrees. As the Sun continues to rise, the shadow edge, that is now very straight and
parallel to the centers of the markers, starts to move downward until the wall is in self shadow shortly
after ~ 12:15 pm PDT.
As the timespan until the rock is in self shadow is almost fixed (10:50 am PDT to 12:15 pm PDT) the distance the
shadow edge moves down is also fixed and it (thus) moves each following day less far down over the markers before the
wall is in self shadow.
The movie from September 13 also shows, that the distance
covered by the downward movement in the timespan 10:50 am PDT to 12:15 pm PDT is almost exactly the height of the
markers (concentric circles and the cross).
The last pictures taken at about 12:15 pm PDT on each of the nine observed days before astronomical autumnal equinox
have been combined into a movie to show what happens there.
Unfortunately not all pictures have been taken at the same time each day and also not frequently enough and thus
they can only give a hint what can be observed in the last minute(s) before the wall is in self shadow.
During its downward movement due to the secondary shadow movement the shadow edge "dances" across the
markers because the movement of the shadow edge is now not strictly in one direction and it moves up and
down a little bit several times.
This starts September 4th when the shadow edge due to the primary shadow movement reaches the markers
the first time in fall. It ends on September 18th when the downward moving shadow starts
from such a high position above the markers that it just touches the markers the last time from above before the
wall is in shadow (see movie).
A special moment during those days when the shadow edge moves downward across the markers is, when it passes
simultaneously right through the centers of the markers. The first time in fall that this happens during the
secondary shadow movement is after September 8th. Then, on its movement down, the shadow edge
again connects the centers of the markers. As it "dances" up an down during this time span, it crosses the centers
several times. The last time the shadow line passes simultaneously through the centers of the two markers before
the wall is in shadow occurs on September 17th
(see movie),
five days prior to the astronomical autumnal equinox (three days before the autumnal solar quarter day).
Final conclusion concerning the shadow movements:
All the detailed observations of the secondary shadow movement lead to the conclusion, that the interplay of the
shadow edge and the markers is too vague and too uncertain to establish a clear
It therefore has been decided to only consider the primary shadow movement to have a clear
connetion to the solar quarter days and the equinoxes.
For the 2023 spring observtions (demonstration of reverse order of events in spring and fall)
no further detailed descriprion and analysis is necessary here. They are described in sufficient detail on the
My Visits page under
The location of the sunrise around autumnal equinox at the flat horizon has been determined on eight days (in
different years) with different distances (in time) to the astronomical autumnal eqinox date. Here also the sunrise
observations made in 2015 are used.
The pictures taken to document the sunrise location on the eastern horizon were always made from the same point
on the platform,
the sunrise picture point.
The azimuth of the point at the horizon where the Sun is visible the first time at sunrise changes significantly by
about 0.5 deg per day around the days of the equinoxes (this is almost exactly the apparent diameter of the Sun and
also the Moon).
This makes the observation of the sunrise a very good and exact tool to mark certain dates if structures on the
horizon or alignments with structures in that direction are available.
(Sunrise near summer solstice has been observed only once three days after solstice on
June 24, 2011.)
A summary of the autumnal (fall) equinox observations is this picture with the distances to the astronomical
equinox in days indicated (negative is before):
Depending on the location from where the sunrise is observed, the rocks in the foreground (at a distance of about
280 meters) may be used to indicate the location of the sunrise at a desired date.
The following is a timetable of the interaction of the shadow with the markers to be observed
each year in relation to the astronomical equinox and the solar quarter days.
Observations have been made on the dates marked in light red. The dates are good ± 1 day.
Any verification of the dates of the events that have not been observed and documented so far would be
extremely welcome!